DOCOsoft Hosts User Group Session for London Market Clients
Our Summer User Community Group gathering took place on the afternoon of Thursday 6 June which coincidentally was the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings. The event was generously hosted by longstanding DOCOsoft clients Aegis, whose Fenchurch Avenue offices provided the ideal setting.
With a packed agenda, more than 60 delegates came together, either in person or online, to hear presentations on two main themes. The first, inevitably, was an update on the latest developments with Blueprint Two, and how DOCOsoft has been closely involved in this transformational project throughout.
Then came news of the some of the new and forthcoming initiatives rolling off the DOCOsoft development pipeline, including what DOCOsoft is working on in with AI and machine learning, Straight-Through Processing and DOCOinsights
CEO Aidan opened with a welcoming address. In true Aidan style, he managed to link the respective postponements of the D-Day landings and Blueprint Two Phase 1 go-live! He briefly outlined the latest developments at DOCOsoft and introduced Senior Product Manager Matt Tarnawsky, Marketing Lead Sarah Galland and Client Account Executive Lena Tighilt to our growing team in London.
Then DOCOsoft Head of Development Anthony Freeman talked delegates through the latest state of play on Blueprint Two, highlighting key diary dates and action points.
DOCOsoft welcomed presentations from guest speakers Velonetic’s Chief Strategy Officer Kerry Rainer and Barry Lodge, Head of Change at LIMOSS, followed by a lively and informative Q&A, in which LIMOSS Test Lead Paul Tuvey also added his views and updates.
Questions raised by the participants shed light on some of the current uncertainties in the market, into which Kerry and Anthony were able to provide some helpful insight. Keep an eye on our blogs for more on this.
Next up was Matt, who outlined forthcoming developments across our core CMS product offering, the recently unveiled DOCOsoft Vew non-Bureau SaaS claims platform, and the forthcoming Bureau version of DOCOsoft Vew, currently expected to be ready in time for Blueprint Two Phase 2 go-live.
After the session, those present joined industry friends and colleagues for drinks and canapés in nearby Devonshire Square at our annual DOCOsoft summer party.
If you’d like to find out more about DOCOsoft’s innovations, please contact us below: